Well because I am Pirates Unite staff now I had to go farming for gold so I have housing related stuff to blog about on there. I had two options: ask on Twitter for someone to go to Subata Skyway (I mean the actual skyway) and let me port to them so I can farm Amber Horde ships or go to Avernus Skyway in Dragonspyre and farm for gold from the Bone Drake, the first option failed so I am now farming in Avernus Skyway for gold so I can buy a new house.

This place is starting to seem like home to me, I was here when I was level 50 farming for gold and here I am again, I might as well make a little house on one of these obsidian shards floating around this far outside of Dragonspyre Academy, being this close to Valencia will also help me research into the world, it interests me in the geography, buildings, origins of the Armada, everything.